Google+ Fake Sartorialist: Yamamoto Escape

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yamamoto Escape

 Kevin had just finished the most daring act of cyber-fashion-hacking of the century. Everyone knew that the Yamamoto collection would be a glowing blue for Q3/4 2245(seasons had not existed for over four decades at that point). The whole of New San Francisco had even changed its entire glow for the collection.
Kevin, once an employee at Yamamoto Inc. had been betrayed by its lead designer. Having invented the light suite, Kevin wanted the worldwide recognition that he deserved, for 12 seasons they were all the rage, and the trend only seemed to be intensifying. As its creator, it didn't take much for kevin to program in four colours that are guaranteed to destroy any collection: conjunctivitis-pink, varicose-aqua, gangrene-green and jaundice-yellow.
1. San Francisco (Wikimedia), 2. Jesse Carter by Sopie Kinachtchouk for Fantastics Mag (Fantastics Mag), 3. Tron (Disney), 4. Sky (Fake Sartorialist)