Antonio had wandered the cemetery's paths for years after he was assassinated by (the then un-and-coming male model) John Castings. He was strangled backstage right after the Thierry Mugler
2011 A/W show had been completed. It was hailed as his best performance to date, the best male catwalk ever performed.
Antonio never heard the praise. Two weeks later, his soul awoke to a grayscale world bound by a rusty fence. There were lots of others around him, mostly old and badly dressed. Cardigans seemed to be the most popular piece of attire. Antonio was teased by all the other spirits. His pink puff socks, permed hair apron and purple drawstring pants were never meant for the afterlife. So he wandered about mostly alone, giving himself pedicures, manicures and cleaning the cobwebs out of the plastic bag that had lead to his death.
1. Soulland A/W 2011 (Coute Que Coute), 2. Dinu Bodiciu MA Collection (Style Bubble), 3. Springfield Cemetery (New England Oddities), 4. Smoke (Henrik W. Jensen) 5. Thierry Mugler A/W 2011 (Jak & Jil), 6. A Tough of Pink (Jak & Jil)